Category Archives: Addiction

Are You Addicted to Love?

From The Fix: Sex addiction, says Sarah Osborne, Director of Clinical Operations at Mountainside Treatment Center, involves preoccupation with sexual acts, and over time, the need for increased risk level associated with them. The sexual acts aren’t about the partner, … Continue reading

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25 Things I Did To Recover From Sex And Love Addiction

From Sex Addiction versus Love Addiction: Are they Fundamentally Different or the Same? September 25, 2012 | Staff Stories Both sex addiction and love addiction are understood to be disorders of emotional intimacy characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive … Continue reading

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If You Can’t Connect With People, You’ll Have To Connect To Something Else Such As A Process Or Substance

I tweeted yesterday: “The higher my quality of life, the more secure my attachment, the less hold my addictions have on me.” Harel responded: “Luke, this really hit home with me. Can you expand on this?” We are wired to … Continue reading

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Am I Willing To Align My Will With God’s Will?

This has always been the hardest part of religion and 12-Step work for me. I want to do my own thing but only when that keeps resulting in disaster for me do I reluctantly turn back to God and then … Continue reading

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Symptoms Of Underearning

Here is how they have manifested in my life: 1. Time Indifference – We put off what must be done and do not use our time to support our own vision and further our own goals. L: Over the past … Continue reading

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