Category Archives: Addiction


I notice that some people, some friends even, exhaust me. We can exchange but a few words on a text or via Messenger, and I feel depleted and annoyed. So why is that? One reason is that they ask too … Continue reading

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Messages From God

Sometimes I like to take the attitude that everything that happens to me is a message from God. When I hit a red light, I ask myself what is God telling me. Where do I need a red light in … Continue reading

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Worn Down

I notice that many people with a poverty consciousness recoil from a prosperous job in favor of a lower-paying job because they believe the lower-paying job will be easier. The higher-paying job, they fear, will wear them down. I think … Continue reading

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Actions & Goals

I just heard a suggestion that you share your goals with other people and ask them what actions they would take to attain these goals. Other people invariably think of different actions than you would to live your vision. I … Continue reading

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Falling In Love

I fall in love way too easily, way too quickly, and way too intensely. I’m an easy target for mockery because I can’t help wearing my feelings on my sleeve. I’ve had long stretches of my life feeling helpless, feeling … Continue reading

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