Category Archives: Addiction

Lack Of Power

Comments: * Hey Luke, I’m a fellow outside-looking-in spectator of the alt-right. I really dig your live streams and the group of regulars you have on there. It’s cool to hear people discuss these topics that I’m (perhaps morbidly) fascinated … Continue reading

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Earn What You Deserve: How to Stop Underearning & Start Thriving

This is the unofficial textbook of Underearners Anonymous and Debtors Anonymous. From the Amazon reviews: * I have mixed feelings about this book, not because it isn’t good and clear in writing and content, but because so much of its … Continue reading

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The Woman Who Heals

Most men have fantasized that a particular women could make them feel whole if only she’d go to bed with them. This desire to rescue or be rescued is a symptom of love addiction. It comes from the desire to … Continue reading

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What Does It Feel Like To Be Selfish?

When I am in my character defects of dishonesty, self-seeking, selfishness, inconsideration and fear, I tighten, compress and narrow. When I am tall and free and easy, I am serene, open and happy. When I want something so badly that … Continue reading

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Where Do You Get Your Power?

I’ve had a lot of good ideas over the course of my life. I’ve had grand visions. I’ve had big dreams. But when I started to do the things I had to do to make my dreams come true, I … Continue reading

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