Category Archives: Homosexuality

Oy Vey, Y-Love is Gay

From Heeb magazine, May 2012: It’s been a busy month in gay news: Obama and Biden support marriage equality, John Travolta supports happy endings, Bravo’s Andy Cohen is finally looking for a boyfriend, and now (sit down girls), Y-Love, the … Continue reading

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Is There Nothing That Elites Can’t Do?

If elites can convince much of the world to celebrate same-sex marriage, then is there nothing they can’t do in shifting basic moral values. Does anyone seriously think that if elites were against same-sex marriage, we would have same-sex marriage? … Continue reading

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How Do We Have Same-Sex Marriage?

Comments: I am simply baffled by the remarkable transformation in Western culture for it to have happened. When I was a young man (and I’m not that old now), homosexuality was widely perceived as perverse. I even played a very … Continue reading

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Rabbi’s Same Sex Wedding ceremonies


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Open Letter To Out Of The Closet Rabbi

David Benkoff writes: Dear Rabbi Gil Steinlauf: You sure made a splash yesterday when, as the senior rabbi of Adas Israel (the largest Conservative synagogue in Washington DC) you announced that you are divorcing your wife and coming out as … Continue reading

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