Maureen Dowd Slams Hollywood Sexism: ‘It’s a Sick Society – Like the Catholic Church and Saudi Arabia’

TheWrap: “New York Times writer Maureen Dowd lambasted Hollywood as a “sick society” that clings to a myth of liberal values while it persists in excluding women from many aspects of the entertainment business.”

Comments: No mention that Hollywood is disproportionately dominated by Jews and homosexuals?

Hollywood actually has more powerful Jewish women than white conservative men.

And you have to bend over to the homosexual agenda to work in Hollywood.

Hollywood is more like AIPAC and GAYPAC.

But Dowd is to chicken to bash Jewish and homosexual power, so she rails against Catholics and Muslims.

What a coward.

* A much-advertised feature film is now coming out about the child molestation scandal in the Catholic church in Boston. The film is called “Spotlight”.

Of course, I’m sure the film won’t dwell on the fact that the molesters in question were almost all (if not actually all) homosexual, and that the increasing homosexualization of the clergy was one of the underlying causes of the Church’s sexual abuse problems. I’m equally certain that Hollywood will not be making any movies about what is alleged to be wide-spread sexual abuse of child-actors in Hollywood by members of the entertainment business themselves.

* (1) A close relative of mine retired from Ohio and moved to Vero Beach, FL. After three years she returned to Ohio. Palmetto bugs, Hispanic supremacy (for want of a better term), and fear of encroaching Haitians with behaviors and attitudes she couldn’t cope with.

(2) Organized crime–Mafia, Black or Mexican gangbangers, drug cartels, Russian mob–can be an important part of any economic or social analysis. I once spoke with a businessman years ago who explained why he wouldn’t invest squat in my hometown in NE Ohio. “You’ve got organized labor, you’ve got Mafia. I toss in $10 million to build a factory, but I’ll have no idea who actually runs my shop floor. When I have a property dispute or other legal problem, I won’t know who controls the judges. I have the same problems in Mexico. They’re cheaper.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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