Category Archives: Asians

Asians Don’t Like To Go To Court

I’ve been talking to personal injury lawyers and they tell me that Orientals (people of Japanese, Chinese or Korean ancestry) are usually the first ones back to work after an accident. They like to work. They don’t like to sue. … Continue reading

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Race, IQ And Civilization

The late psychologist J. Philippe Rushton said: “Arthur Jensen got into this [IQ] business in the first place because teachers were calling him up and saying, ‘I don’t understand. I have two children here — a white child with an … Continue reading

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Cautious Asian Drivers

I was driving down the road in the middle lane when this van in front of me stopped. About 400 yards ahead, two fire engines were pulled over to the side beside a nursing home. Impatient, I turned left into … Continue reading

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Asians On The Street With Hospital Masks Gangnam Style

I notice a handful of Asian women in Los Angeles wearing hospital masks. I suppose they want to avoid the flu. In at least one case, she’s wearing it to avoid contaminating others. It’s such a thoughtful gesture. I love … Continue reading

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How Can I Compete With Asian Ecstasy Massages?

Right next to my lofty Alexander Technique headquarters at are four Asian establishments offering happy endings. And I can’t compete with their prices or their customer service., so you know it’s accurate, lists four Asian massage joints in … Continue reading

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