Category Archives: Asians

The Rise Of The Korean Nursemaid

Many soft-spoken service workers become fierce when they can. Blacks, for instance, used to do much of America’s menial labor and they were known as docile servants. That all changed after the Civil Rights revolution of the 1960s. Now their … Continue reading

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Did The Nazis Believe Jews Were Inferior?

I find it a chore to listen to Dennis Prager these days. Not because Dennis has changed, but I have changed. On his radio show today, Dennis Prager struggled to define “racism”: “You believe that race has intrinsic qualities, usually … Continue reading

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Why Are Jews So Successful?

Jews outperform their IQs (while Latinos tend to underperform their IQs and blacks perform in line with their IQs). Why? Part of the answer is that Jewish life is the single best way to lead a life (measured by any … Continue reading

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Are Values Independent Of Genetics?

Everywhere in the world in about 40 life outcomes, Orientals (North-East Asians such as the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans) earn more per hour than any other racial groups, have higher credit scores, higher academic achievement, higher IQ, and lower rates … Continue reading

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Driving Out The Homeless Is A Form Of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’

Report: “This is Fort Lauderdale, in Broward County, Florida, between Miami and Palm Beach, and Gil’s ticket – he gives his first name only – could be Exhibit A in what civil rights activists say is a creeping and insidious … Continue reading

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