Category Archives: Asians

What About Yellow Privilege?

From Just Not Said blog: The way yellow people walk around not realizing what unearned privileges they enjoy is enough to drive anyone crazy. Asians have an invisible package of unearned assets that they can count on to cash in … Continue reading

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Blacks, Whites, Jews & Asians Evolved Different Moralities

What causes tension between blacks, whites, asians and Jews? Some of the tension comes from clashes of interests. Other tensions come from different moral norms aka different hero systems. For instance, asians are more quiet than the rest of these … Continue reading

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Is Australia Headed For An Asian Takeover?

When I grew up in Australia (most of 1966 to 1977), the country was more than 95% white. Now it is about 87% white and an increasing percentage of the country’s top jobs are going to Asians, who are becoming … Continue reading

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How Can Euro-Asian Males Build Self-Esteem?

Some mixed race kids have it tougher in life because they don’t have a clear identity and a clear in-group. So they have more mental problems. Post: Being Eurasian Male has completely destroyed my self-esteem and sense of self-worth. I … Continue reading

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The Future

Richard Lynn writes in his book Eugenics: In the developing nations in Latin America, the near and middle East, and North Africa, there was severe dysgenic fertility in the second half of the twentieth century, which I have documented in … Continue reading

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