Category Archives: Asians

Should Asians Adopt American Names?

If Asians or blacks or Muslims or Jews or any group don’t want to adapt American names and American ways, they can always move out of the country. If you want to live in America, you should abide by American … Continue reading

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8 of the Worst Countries For Black People to Travel

REPORT: China A person of African descent traveling to China should not be surprised if they are repeatedly stared at or even swarmed by crowds of curious Chinese who will treat them as a spectacle by taking pictures, touching their … Continue reading

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Does Asian Success Spring From Asian Values?

A documentary on the rise of Japan and South Korea concludes: “Asians themselves began to boast of Asian values. They proclaimed that their growing success was due to discipline and to hard work, their schools and strong authoritarian control.” Jews … Continue reading

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Are There Jewish Interests?

I consider it as obvious as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west that different groups have different interests that frequently clash. For instance, it is in black and latino interests in the United States that … Continue reading

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Police, Prisons & The Color Of Crime

From the 2005 book, The Color of Crime: America’s changing racial and ethnic makeup has played a role in the rise in incarceration. The number of Hispanic and non-citizen prisoners is rising faster than the overall prison population. In 2003, … Continue reading

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