Does Asian Success Spring From Asian Values?

A documentary on the rise of Japan and South Korea concludes: “Asians themselves began to boast of Asian values. They proclaimed that their growing success was due to discipline and to hard work, their schools and strong authoritarian control.”

Jews prefer to attribute Jewish success to Judaism and to Jewish values.

As a Steve Sailer reader noted: “I think the reason why Jewish commentators… want to think that their achievement is due to cultural factors, because that means Jewish culture and religion (which they love) are objectively good things. If Jewish achievement is largely due to historical accident (Christian restrictions on Jewish occupations to moneylending and trade leading to natural selection for higher intelligence) then that’s less flattering.”

Jewish success breaks down along racial lines. Ashkenazi Jews, with average IQs in the 110 range, have the most success. Sephardim, with average IQs around 97, have about the same level of success as non-Jewish whites who have similar IQs. Mizrahim, with average IQs around 90, have less success, and Ethiopian Jews, with average IQs around 70, have almost no worldly success.

South Korea has an average IQ of 106 and Japan has one of 105. Israel’s average IQ is 95, dragged down by its 20% Arab population with an average IQ around 85 (the same as American blacks).

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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