Category Archives: Ann Coulter

The Neocon Takeover Of The Conservative Movement

Paul Gottfried and Pat Buchanan don’t make the list. Nobody from Chronicles magazine (paleo-conservative). Ann Coulter and Mark Steyn are near the top, but their foreign policy has been largely neocon. From RightWingNews: 50) Katie Kieffer 49) Thomas Purcell 48) … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter: OK, Who Ordered The Mexican Heroin?

From Ann Coulter at VDARE: See, much earlier, by Sam Francis: What We Really Get From Mexico, November 21, 2002. Heroin use in the United States increased by nearly 80 percent between 2007 and 2012 alone, and the New York … Continue reading

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Is Ann Coulter Donald Trump’s Brain?

Roland Dodds writes: Then in walked Donald Trump. He wasn’t content to say immigration was bad for America or the economy, but framed it as a plot by criminal groups and governments to infiltrate America and undermine its institutions and … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: No, Ann Coulter Is Not an Anti-Semite

Dennis Prager writes: (JTA) — During the course of the second Republican presidential debate, Ann Coulter, the well-known commentator, writer, speaker and provocateur, tweeted: “How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?” Her explanation … Continue reading

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On Eve of Yom Kippur, Ann Coulter Still Unrepentant for ‘F—ing Jews’ Tweet

Ann Coulter is going to be just fine. I love it that she hasn’t backed down. Maybe other political commentators will grow some balls and give criticism to other protected groups? From Algemeiner: On the eve of Yom Kippur, the … Continue reading

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