Category Archives: Politics

Joe Biden Calls Tea Party ‘Terrorists’

I dig this paragraph from “We have negotiated with terrorists,” an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.” I think that that is magnificent … Continue reading

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Joe Biden Brings Nothing To The Ticket

I expect that Barack Obama will replace Joe Biden as vice-president. With Hillary Clinton leaving as Secretary of State in 2012, Joe Biden can take that role. So who would replace Biden? Andrew Cuomo has to be the favorite. A … Continue reading

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Why Is Mark Halperin Apologizing To The President For Calling Him A Dick?

There’s nothing wrong with calling the president a dick (except that such language is inappropriate on a news show). The president was a tool at his press conference yesterday. I don’t sympathize with this American tendency to automatically treat their … Continue reading

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John F. Kennedy’s Bad Back

The new miniseries “The Kennedys” (available on instant streaming at Netflix) shows President John F. Kennedy struggling with a bad back. In episode four (10:36 in), he does a classic Alexander Technique exercise — semi supine aka active rest. He … Continue reading

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I Can’t Believe Anthony Weiner Will Keep His Job

I don’t recall any news conference like the one Anthony Weiner just gave. He confessed to such humiliating and inappropriate behavior. OK, that’s not the big deal. What’s the big deal is that he is not resigning. Eliot Spitzer tried … Continue reading

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