Category Archives: Politics

The Difference Between Theology And Values

Theology does not matter much. Many Christians believe I am going to hell because I left Christianity, rejected Jesus Christ, and converted to Orthodox Judaism. Yet these very Christians treat me and other Jews beautifully. They support Israel. You can … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Worst Day As A Republican

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said yesterday was his worst day as a Republican. He was that ashamed of the lies said about Mitt Romney by Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman and Rick Perry. These three have been attacking … Continue reading

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I’m Now Rooting For Rick Santorum

I won’t be depressed if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee. I much prefer him to John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential candidate. Over the past eight months, I’ve swung from rooting for Michelle Bachmann to Rick Perry to Herman … Continue reading

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I’m Souring On Newt Gingrich

The past couple of weeks, I’ve felt a surge of affection for Newt Gingrich. I know he’s an egomaniac who’d probably be a terrible president, but I felt an urge to vote for him anyway. Then last night he said … Continue reading

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It Looks Like Herman Cain Is Toast

These sexual harassment allegations suddenly got specific. A real woman went public with real details. This will sink Herman Cain’s candidacy. So who’s left? What’s the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney? It seems like Newt Gingrich is the one conservative … Continue reading

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