Category Archives: Politics

Investigating Ron Paul

Jason Maoz writes: Why have the media for the most part been so reluctant to expose the long documented fringe positions – including a clear and deep animus toward Israel – articulated by Texas congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul? … Continue reading

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The Lowest Form Of Political Discourse

Reality Check: What you may not know is that in this presidential election cycle, every single candidate for president, including President Obama, has been called a racist. Herman Cain was called a racist because he said blacks had been brainwashed … Continue reading

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Ron Paul’s Racist Newsletters

(FOX19) – The talk of Ron Paul’s racist newsletters has been all over the news for the past few weeks and seem to dominate all of the Congressman’s interviews. So what about these newsletters is true and what is the … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘Mitt Romney Is As Unflappable As Barack Obama’

Over the past week, Dennis Prager has come to embrace Mitt Romney and to accept that he’ll be the Republican nominee. Dennis has not endorsed anyone. On his show today, Dennis said: “In the last year, I’ve come to respect … Continue reading

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Ron Paul Attracts A Bad Crowd

I’m fine with Ron Paul. I love his domestic program. I don’t agree with his foreign policy but I don’t have a problem with it. He wants America to withdraw from the world. Fine. That’s a legitimate position. One thing … Continue reading

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