Category Archives: Politics

Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences

On Oct. 23, 2013, Dennis Prager said to his guest, John Alford, associate professor of political science at Rice University, is one of three authors of this new book, Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences: “Isn’t that … Continue reading

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James Kalb: Against Inclusiveness: How the Diversity Regime is Flattening America and the West and What to Do About It

Jim Kalb has a website at He writes regularly for Crisis magazine. His previous book came out in 2008: The Tyranny of Liberalism: Understanding and Overcoming Administered Freedom, Inquisitorial Tolerance, and Equality by Command. Here’s a transcript of parts … Continue reading

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Why Are Jews Liberal?

Here are some highlights from a 2005 column by Dennis Prager: * …Jews (outside of Israel) are indeed overwhelmingly liberal and disproportionately left of liberal as well. * Most Jews are frightened by anything that connotes right-wing—such as the words … Continue reading

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She Can’t Date A Liberal

Chaim Amalek writes: “Carrie Sheffield can get away with this exclusionary stance with minimal collateral damage to her social life (for now) because she is 1.young; 2. pretty; 3. white; and 4. female. Deviate from any of these four traits, … Continue reading

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White Resentment Drives The Republican Party

I believe it was John Derbyshire who said that tens of millions of Americans don’t like black people much and that these people overwhelmingly vote Republican. The big social trend in an increasingly diverse America is to find people with … Continue reading

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