Category Archives: Adultery

Arguments For Staying Faithful To Your Wife

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager gave advice to men on how to stay faithful. “If you have an affair, you’re hiding something from your wife. The more you hide from your spouse, the less close you are. The … Continue reading

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She Did It For Her Sons

Why do women despise cheapskates? Some of us humble writers don’t have the big bucks to throw around. Hanna Rosin writes: The idea that Jenny Sanford wrote her memoir Staying True to mollify her sons, as she told the New … Continue reading

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Women Must Be Believed?

The rabbinic commentator Ramah said about accusations of adultery that women are believed (if they confess to adultery). The assumption is if the woman says it, it must be true, because it would be too embarrassing to lie about. That’s … Continue reading

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Responsible Blog

Darrah Ford emails: By “responsible” writers to be contributing on your site, would that also include writers who blog about the adult industry? Like how about someone writing about Jews in porn or anywhere in the adult industry? When I … Continue reading

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Tiger Woods Adultery Scandal

US Magazine will report on Thursday about one of Tiger’s affairs. Radar Magazine reports that several women have come forward to claim affairs with the golfing great. I wonder when Tiger Woods will finally come clean about this. His pleas … Continue reading

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