Category Archives: R. Rabbs

Rabbi Rabbs’s Controversial Statements

Rabbi Rabbs writes on his Facebook page: Today’s Controversial Statement #1: G-d, His Torah, and His children the Jews form a trinity. We are One. Thus, anybody that hates us Jews, hates G-d. Anybody that hates G-d or trashes Judaism … Continue reading

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Live Torah Talk With Rabbi Rabbs

I’m studying this week’s Torah portion — Balak with Rabbi Rabbs. I wonder if I would’ve participated in the cult of Baal-peor for my fair share of those hot Midianite women. I know you think I’m so holy, but I’m … Continue reading

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A Discussion With Rabbi Rabbs About This Week’s Torah Portion

Watch the whole thing.

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Rabbi Rabbs Won’t Water Down The Torah

The whole megillah Rabbi: “Let’s just water down the Torah. That’s not even in my thinking. To me, the Torah is the truth and that’s it.” “I have a joke book out… I used to work a day job in … Continue reading

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Rabbi Rabbs – Stuck Being Jewish

The whole megillah. “I can write stuff. Part of the reason is that you can do it and you don’t have to talk to anybody. You can do it in your room with your door locked. I was a loner, … Continue reading

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