Category Archives: Health

Is Kundalini Yoga Dangerous For Your Health?

I went to Kundalini Yoga to get happier and healthier. If I get holier too, that’s a bonus. Overall, I’ve been very happy with my journey. I feel happier and healthier. The past five days, I’ve been obsessed with reading … Continue reading

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Shortness Of Breath

Whenever I see a doctor or an acupuncturist or just random hot girls on the street, they’re always asking me if I have shortness of breath. It’s become one of those questions that I just automatically say no to without … Continue reading

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The Health Benefits Of Living In Community

Kevin emails: "I began reading Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. It opens with the story of a group of Italian immigrants who live in a town named Roseto in Pennsylvania. It describes how the closeness of the community enhanced the overall … Continue reading

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Who Is ‘CLUE’ And What Is Their Agenda?

In the last issue of the Jewish Journal, I saw a two page ad taken out by a group called CLUE — Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice. The ad lambasted Windsor Healthcare — owned and operated by two … Continue reading

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My Struggle With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Full discussion here:

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