Category Archives: Football

Can A Jewish Woman Save The NFL?

Jews don’t tend to play tackle football. We’re more likely to own a sports team than to play for one. Domestic violence usually means that two morons have been going at each other and the littler one lost. I was … Continue reading

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Brian and the Boz

This 30 for 30 documentary shook me up. It’s about a kid (Brian Bosworth, better known as the Boz) who can never meet his father’s expectations who takes on a college coach (Barry Switzer) as his subtitute father figure, enjoys … Continue reading

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I Am Just Glad Jameis Winston Can Write His Own Name

Too often the news media concentrate on the negative instead of looking for uplifting angles to a news story. That’s the case here. There’s good news. Jameis Winston is not illiterate. He’s a university-educated scholar. Report: Even as Florida State … Continue reading

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Will The Final Round Draft Of Michael Sam Change History Forever?

I can’t think of any great male athlete who’s come out as gay, only a bunch of mediocre ones, such as Michael Sam. I don’t expect many great male athletes to be gay because great male athletes tend to be … Continue reading

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The Fearsome Foursome

I thought I loved the NFL series, “A Football Life.” I loved, for instance, the episodes on Tom Landry and Jimmy Johnson. Then I watched the one on Tim Tebow. It was lame. Next I watched one entitled, “The Fearsome … Continue reading

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