Category Archives: Modern Orthodox

Modern Orthodoxy Vs Right-Wing Orthodoxy

Joe emails: You can tell the difference between Modern Orthodoxy and more Right Wing Old School Orthodoxy by looking at synagogue websites. Bnai David Judea is this high powered modern orthodox synagogue – it has women on the board, it … Continue reading

Posted in Bnai David-Judea, Haredi, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Pico/Robertson | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Modern Orthodoxy Vs Right-Wing Orthodoxy

The Top Five Mizrachi Rabbis In Israel

What is Mizrachi? It is religious Zionism. Rav Mordecai Eliyahu would have to be number one. Then Haim Drukman, Yaakov Ariel, Aharon Lichtenstein, She’ar Yashuv Cohen (the Rav of Haifa and the son of the Nazir of Jerusalem David Cohen), … Continue reading

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In 20 Years, The Haredim Will Dominate Pico-Robertson

Los Angeles has little culture of Torah learning (except among the Haredim aka the traditional Orthodox). There are only two first-rate Modern Orthodox Torah scholars in Los Angeles — rabbis Yehuda Bukspan and David Rue. L.A.’s Modern Orthodox shuls don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Abner Weiss, Anshe Emes, Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Modern Orthodox, Nachum Sauer, Orthodox Union, Orthodoxy, R. David Rue, R. Kalman Topp, R. Yehuda Bukspan, YICC | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on In 20 Years, The Haredim Will Dominate Pico-Robertson

Modern Orthodoxy Vs Traditional Orthodoxy

Shula Cohen writes on Hirhurim: "Every time that Modern Orthodoxy bows to Hareidi Judaism, even implicitly, as being more authentic, it damages itself. If Modern Orthodoxy is to thrive it must defend itself…arguing…why it is a superior form of Judaism…" … Continue reading

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Modern Orthodox Education aka How Men Can Control Their Sexual Urges

From Hirhurim: There is a fascinating special issue of Meorot (formerly The Edah Journal), guest edited by R. Nathaniel Helfgot and focusing on Modern Orthodox education (link). What follows are rough notes that are even less reliable than my normal … Continue reading

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