Category Archives: Dating

Tinderella: A Modern Fairy Tale

Chaim Amalek: This fairy tale is racist to the core, as it depicts a white man’s “ideal” mate as a cis-objectified white woman with blue eyes and strawberry blond hair of the sort only white women can have. Why not … Continue reading

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It’s Time To Get Old Testament On Tinder

Last night, as a time saving move, I was clicking like on every Tinder profile 18-40 within 100 miles of me, when suddenly up popped a message that I would have to pay if I wanted to like more profiles. … Continue reading

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Perhaps I Was Wrong

So this is how one relationship ended for me. We had been going out for a year, broken up half a dozen times. She was ten years younger and an Eight. We had finished dinner. She had eaten only a … Continue reading

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Perhaps She Loves HaShem?

The new trend on Tinder is for the hookers to post inspirational sayings on their profiles. I just matched with a 22yo ho (I assume she’s a pro, who knows she might be a Reform rabbi) named Kaelani whose profile … Continue reading

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Love At First Sight

So do you believe in love at first sight? What if you see someone across the room and she smiles and your whole being explodes? I’m not talking about lust. I’m not talking about seeing somebody and all you can … Continue reading

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