Category Archives: Dating

Women Don’t Like Men Who Keep Apologizing

From the Chateau: Recently, in the Washington Beta, an article was published confirming that the CH game advice to never apologize is effective at winning people to your cause. Donald Trump never apologizes for his controversial remarks. Here’s why he … Continue reading

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An Orthodox View Of Love

Jewish Standard: Both Ms. Brown’s books are written in a child’s voice — a smart, self-aware, limit-testing, often obnoxious little girl, self-centered as happy children often are, secure in her parents’ love and her place in the world. “Hush,” published … Continue reading

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On Tinder, Off Sex

Ali Rachel Pearl writes for the New York Times: My friends don’t seem to understand my secondary abstinence. They ask if I’ve had sex yet. “How can you go so long?” they ask. “I can’t imagine.” They say: “You have … Continue reading

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Slate: A Conversation With Neil Strauss: “I look back on The Game and cringe.”

By Christina Cauterucci: Critics of The Game have waited a decade for Neil Strauss to issue a mea culpa. Plenty of readers saw his 2005 embedded investigation of the pickup-artist industry as an instruction manual on how to cajole beautiful … Continue reading

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Grantland: ‘Game’ Met Match: Pick-up Artist Godhead Neil Strauss’s Subtle, Surprising New Book

Steve Sailer wrote in 2009: The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking. Technically, it might seem highly possible … Continue reading

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