Category Archives: Personal

The Victimhood Addiction

Somebody, through carelessness, let me down in a minor way last week and I immediately got a high from the feeling of victimhood, that people will always screw me over, poor ol me, people just trample all over me… It’s … Continue reading

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A Miracle!

While my father prayed earnestly to God about salvation, I would offer up secretly the proudest prayer a boy could think of: “Lord, make me a great blogger. Let me celebrate Your glory through social media and be celebrated myself. … Continue reading

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Reaching For Greatness

* I love you. You pay my rent. David Brosia: Just when I thought you had reached your plateau Luke you post another dose of greatness. * I can’t remember the last time a Jewish friend used the term “metaphysics.” … Continue reading

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The Return Of The Dreaded Stomach Flu

I came down with a killer flu Sunday night (which stunned me as I thought I had just gotten over one a week before). I was vomiting Monday and Tuesday, couldn’t even keep down water, so I was getting dehydrated … Continue reading

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My Credit Score

606 As of 02/07/2016 Source: Experian® Score Rank: Fair 4 Helping 5 Hurting What’s Helping Your Score There are no or only a few recent delinquencies on your accounts Lack of sufficient relevant installment account information Few or no bankcard … Continue reading

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