Category Archives: Personal

The Scent Of Luke

She writes in June of 2006 about jet set dating: My life has changed signifigantly over the years. For those of you that are familiar with my story, it’s been a roller coaster ride from poverty to riches to rags … Continue reading

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Luke Ford Fan Blog 2007

Steve Sailer wrote July 24, 2005: “Mickey Kaus called Luke the “human Echelon Project, for the prodigious amount of interviewing and transcribing he does of who’s saying what around LA. Luke even interviewed me. But the bonus reason for reading … Continue reading

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Luke Ford Fan Blog 2006

Steve Sailer wrote July 24, 2005: “Mickey Kaus called Luke the “human Echelon Project, for the prodigious amount of interviewing and transcribing he does of who’s saying what around LA. Luke even interviewed me. But the bonus reason for reading … Continue reading

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Luke Ford Fan Blog Archives 2005

Steve Sailer wrote July 24, 2005: “Mickey Kaus called Luke the “human Echelon Project, for the prodigious amount of interviewing and transcribing he does of who’s saying what around LA. Luke even interviewed me. But the bonus reason for reading … Continue reading

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Luke Ford Fan Blog Archives From 2004

Steve Sailer wrote July 24, 2005: “Mickey Kaus called Luke the “human Echelon Project, for the prodigious amount of interviewing and transcribing he does of who’s saying what around LA. Luke even interviewed me. But the bonus reason for reading … Continue reading

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