Marry Me

* I fear retweeting is damaging my brand. I should be more original my friends say.

* Why are all and I do mean ALL of the Trump women so hot and the average Democrat woman so un-hot?

* Why are Fox News women so much hotter than the ones you see on liberal networks?

* Chaim Amalek: “Luke is wondering: Why is it that all of the Trump women are beautiful and a delight, whereas Democrat women (Hillary Clinton, that lesbian on MSNBC, the ones who have manly jobs in Hollywood etc.) all look so hatchet-faced and angry? Could it be that the light of the Lord is on the women of the Right and is not to be seen on the faces of the women of the Left, or is it just the result of good clean living?”

* FFB (Orthodox) Friend: “I know you want to get married…
And I see all these schnooks out there trying to raise money through GoFundMe.
You should send out a GoF***Me request…”

Chaim Amalek: NO! We don’t need you to be a mere aggregator of other people’s tweets. Let Luke be Luke and post his full thoughts here, while he can.

* Gentiles should care as much about Jews and Jewish opinions as Jews care about goyim and their views.

Chaim Amalek writes: “But we DO care about what the goyim think. I, for example, care a great deal about what the shiksas posting on Craigslist think about dating and loving Jewish men. The impression I have is that our value, the degree with which they hold us in esteem in their eyes, has dropped considerably as America has diversified, and it troubles me deeply. The goy who does not love me may, I fear, want to kill me. Yet another reason to fear the Pakistani migrant. I speak of the fear of all Jews, not just me. Personally, I more fear local African American youths playing the “Knockout Game” with White skulls like mine.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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