Category Archives: Personal

I Still Call Australia Home

I was working an office job and playing this collection of Australian folk songs over and over until I had tears in my eyes. The Peter Allen song, “I Still Call Australia Home,” killed me, particularly this stanza: Someday we’ll … Continue reading

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Do You Ever Want To Hurt The One You Love?

A new girlfriend got upset for days after I said I wanted to hurt her a little bit (with her full consent and knowledge). “Why would you want to hurt me?” she said days later with tears in her eyes. … Continue reading

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Symptoms Of Underearning

Here is how they have manifested in my life: 1. Time Indifference – We put off what must be done and do not use our time to support our own vision and further our own goals. L: Over the past … Continue reading

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A History Of My Underearning

When my computer died and I had to ship it away for three weeks, I went to my first 12-step meeting for debtors in May of 2015 and then I hit my first meeting for underearners on July 12, 2015. … Continue reading

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The Single Life

When I ran ads on Craigslist years ago I had to run about 7 ads to get one response, and even then it usually was spam. On Tinder I got a few responses, and it went nowhere. Of course hookers … Continue reading

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