Category Archives: Personal

Clarity Creates Energy And Strength

I receive many outreach calls from my various 12-step programs, but I have to be careful of my time and my energy because most calls I get are from people who want to share the mess, not the message, and … Continue reading

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I was six dollars short at the dry cleaners I’ve patronized for 20 years. “Don’t worry about it,” said the owner. I couldn’t. I could not enjoy food or drink or Netflix while I was short. I went home, got … Continue reading

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The Mildewed Teaching Chair

On Friday, I left some wet cloths on my wooden stool that I use for teaching Alexander Technique. When I removed the now-dry cloths this evening, I saw they had left horrible mildew splotches. So I scrubbed away and the … Continue reading

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A Friend Says I Look Like The Leader Of Hamas – Ismail Haniyeh

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25 Things I Did To Recover From Sex And Love Addiction

From Sex Addiction versus Love Addiction: Are they Fundamentally Different or the Same? September 25, 2012 | Staff Stories Both sex addiction and love addiction are understood to be disorders of emotional intimacy characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive … Continue reading

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