Category Archives: Personal

‘I’m Sorry That Happened’

I had a conflict with somebody a few months ago. Afterward, I felt bad but wasn’t sure I had been in the wrong so I sent an email saying, in effect, “I’m sorry that happened.” My apology was a non-apology. … Continue reading

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Ode To The Moral Leader

In 2008, during the summer of my discontent, I opened up a live video chat room, the Moral Leader room. In the process, I met French classical music composer Pascal Dupin who composed “Ode to the Moral Leader” in my … Continue reading

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A woman just said to me: “Does nothing ever offend you because you are dead inside or because I just don’t matter to you?”

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Making Babies

Chaim Amalek writes: “Shouldn’t you be making babies? Blogging is no substitute for procreation, and all this blogging by White bachelors is a form of genetic treason against your people no less so than the genuflecting by NFL owners is … Continue reading

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I Want To Show You My Heart

Does that look ok to you?

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