Category Archives: Hollywood

Is Hollywood Different After Harvey Weinstein?

Danielle Berrin writes for the Jewish Journal: Last week, I had dinner with two high-level film producers, both male, and two women who worked for one of them. The only thing we discussed for three hours was Harvey Weinstein and … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘Six women accuse filmmaker Brett Ratner of sexual harassment or misconduct’

Danielle Berrin told us all about Brett Ratner years ago. And she says she took it easy on him. I assume that means he masturbated in front of her. What’s with all these Jewish guys who like to corner women … Continue reading

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Heartiste: The Aging Slut Doth Protest Too Much

From Chateau Heartiste: Pre-Wall: Very few aspiring actresses didn’t know that Harvey Swinestein’s potted plant audition room was an invitation to a starring role in his perversion. Most of them went in aware of the deal. Even a 17-year-old Kate … Continue reading

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LAT: More than 30 women come forward to accuse director James Toback of sexual harassment

Los Angeles Times: He prowled the streets of Manhattan looking for attractive young women, usually in their early 20s, sometimes college students, on occasion a high schooler. He approached them in Central Park, standing in line at a bank or … Continue reading

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How Come We’re Not Getting Articles About The Sexual Predations Of The Hollywood Gay Mafia?

The New York Times and the New Yorker have compelling articles about the brutal behavior of Harvey Weinstein. How come nobody publishes stories about the brutal behavior of David Geffen, Barry Diller and company? The back issues of the influential … Continue reading

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