Category Archives: Kashrut

RCC Gives Kosher Supervision To Businesses Open On The Sabbath

One of the arguments that the RCC (Rabbinical Council of California) used against Rabbi Yehuda Bukspan was that he certified as kosher businesses operating on the Sabbath. This is perfectly legal by Jewish law, and the RCC today supervises businesses … Continue reading

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Jewish Journal Preparing Blockbuster CA Kashrut Expose

This well-researched story should hit the stands in a month. I’ve done some independent research and the following story is about Schwarma Express in the San Fernando Valley. It is a kosher restaurant under the supervision of Rabbi Yehuda Bukspan … Continue reading

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Wendy’s Chocolate Frosty

On his radio show last week, Dennis Prager talked about how much he loves Wendy’s Chocolate Frosty. My first thought was, is it kosher? Dennis has talked in the past how he’s eaten McDonald’s fries for years until he found … Continue reading

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Orthodox Union Kashrut

Mac emails: Last week came the news that OU head of shechita Dokter Rabbiner Seth Mandel is overseeing shochtim who eat treif or are not otherwise shomrei Torah umitzvos. I asked a rov to look into this. A rather … Continue reading

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Sholom Rubashkin to Receive 27-Year Prison Sentence, Federal Judge Says

The Des Moines Register reports: Sholom Rubashkin will receive a 27-year federal prison sentence on Tuesday for his leadership in the financial fraud scandal at Agriprocessors Inc., a judge declared today. U.S. District Judge Linda Reade will impose a 324-month … Continue reading

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