Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

Does Hillary Have Alzheimers?

New York Post: Hillary is ‘often confused,’ says trusted aide Huma in fresh emails WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide said her boss is “often confused” and needs plenty of guidance to understand the schedule, according to fresh emails out … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Hillary Doesn’t Think She Has a Drinking Problem, She Thinks She Has a Drinking Solution

Steve Sailer writes: There’s always a lot of interesting news that gets released over a long Fourth of July weekend… In other words, Hillary may have a sizable drinking problem. There must have been long delicate conversations in the New … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘Is anybody interested in ever learning just how much Hillary drinks? 3 am calls and all that?’

Johnathan Chait tweets: “So Clinton’s plan as president is to lure Republicans into compromise by getting them drunk?” New York Times article. Washington Free Beacon Feb. 24, 2016: Hillary Clinton can be quite the boozehound, a new SuperCut shows. The … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton’s Black Accent “I don’t feel no ways tired” – 2007 Selma, AL

Comment: Well Granny may not be moral, ethical, honest, capable, experienced or consistent, but she certainly seems colorful. Sure she has a black heart and a dark soul which may or may not be in her possession, but that’s a … Continue reading

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Hillary & Bill Clinton See ‘Hamilton’

Report: “If we broke up the big banks tomorrow,” Mrs. Clinton asked the audience of black, white and Hispanic union members, “would that end racism? Would that end sexism? Would that end discrimination against the L.G.B.T. community?,” she said, using … Continue reading

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