Hillary Clinton’s Black Accent “I don’t feel no ways tired” – 2007 Selma, AL

Comment: Well Granny may not be moral, ethical, honest, capable, experienced or consistent, but she certainly seems colorful. Sure she has a black heart and a dark soul which may or may not be in her possession, but that’s a good thing to her voting base isn’t it? She’s BAD, which isn’t the same as good, but appeals to who she wants to vote for her. The Low-Info Emo ignorant, imperceptive Anti-White bigots who hate success because its just unfair to losers and lazy bums.
Some people say black isn’t a color, because optical experts who understand the physics involved in the illusion of color to your optic nerves will tell you its imperceptive aspects violate the concept of color of which there are 256 hues, but that’s just racist isn’t it? When you think about it, everything is racist based on the color of your skin or the melanin content of your epidermis. And in this topsy turvy world of newspeak, obfuscation, dogmatic pseudoscientific beliefs and cultural marxism, the Truth is lost on those who find it hurts their feelings.
So, what difference at this point does it make?

* She is doing what she does best: condescend to the minority crowd while simultaneously lining her pocketbook with payoff money from Wall Street.

* He hired himSELF to play Hamilton! He is no dummy, like his countryman, Sonia Sotomayor. Hamilton was not Puerto Rican, BTW. He was also the dreamiest of the Founders. Chicks loved him. This Manuel guy is painfully homely. And, I’d wager,quite gay. I’d also include Jessie Williams in that category. (Gay).

* I recently went to a software conference where Congressman John Lewis spoke (why?). It was EXACTLY like that. The man received a lonnnnnggg standing ovation because nobody in the 90% white (9% Asian/1% other) audience wanted to be the first one to stop clapping. It was hilarious if you knew to notice it.

* I have an allergic reaction to rapping, so the little bits of it that I’ve seen sounded awful to me. But some people seem to like rapping, so that wouldn’t be an obstacle for them. Are all the people who genuinely like rapping stupid? Perhaps. I mean, the guys who review hip hop for the Village Voice or whatever aren’t stupid, but they might be faking their enthusiasm.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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