Category Archives: Iran

Iran Will Get Nuclear Weapons

Chaim Amalek writes: “Of course Iran will get the Bomb, and the industrial infrastructure with which to manufacture them in quantity. It is the intelligent thing for them to do, as it was for North Korea and Pakistan. And then … Continue reading

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The Terms Of The Nuclear Deal Seem Unfavorable To Iran

If this is the deal, it is unfavorable to the Iranians. Skeptics will ask — if the the sanctions are relaxed, will they return if the Iranians cheat? That is what Netanyahu, and the neocons in the U.S. will focus … Continue reading

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‘Beer Talk’ From Blowhards: Pat Buchanan On Iran Hysteria

Ilana Mercer writes: “Are we going to be frightened by words from an Iranian blowhard?” Pat Buchanan tries to school Sean Hannity on the insignificance of Iran’s military as compared to American and Israeli might (and Bibi’s 200 plus atom … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager’s Pro-Israel Bias

Jack* emails: Dear Luke, I read the Dennis Prager posts you put up. It is important to realize that what underlies all of these posts is Dennis Prager’s strong bias in favor of Israel. He thinks he is being objective, … Continue reading

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Is Iran Mankind’s Enemy?

Dennis Prager writes: Iran today is America’s greatest enemy, Israel’s greatest enemy, the Jewish people’s greatest enemy and the greatest enemy of moral civilization. There is, apparently, no evil that the Iranian Islamic regime will not engage in to further … Continue reading

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