Category Archives: France

Who’s To Blame For The Paris Massacre?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I suggest the investigation into said complicity start at the top with Mr. Hollande, Sarkozy and the host of other elites who have opened up Europe. * According to the dictionary, a xenophobe is “one … Continue reading

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NYT References The Dark Enlightenment

Ross Douthat, the best NYT columnist in my view, he presents HBD (Human Bio-Diversity), WN (White Nationalism) and DE (Dark Enlightenment) themes for the mainstream, writes about the new novel Submission: “I sort of knew this going in but even … Continue reading

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Far-right French historian, 78-year-old Dominique Venner, commits suicide in Notre Dame in protest against gay marriage

From 2013: A far-right French historian shot himself in the head beside the altar of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris today apparently in protest against the legalisation of gay marriage in France. Dominique Venner, 78, a former member of the … Continue reading

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Will Islam Conquer France?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Right now France has been somewhat more protected from the migrant invaders because of the difficulty of claiming benefits there. That’s why so many are camping in Calais so they can try to get to … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Freedom of Speech Is No Longer a Human Right

Steve Sailer: From the New York Times: Marine Le Pen, French National Front Leader, Speaks at Her Hate-Speech Trial By ADAM NOSSITER OCT. 20, 2015 LYON, France — With pugnacity and self-assurance, the French far-right leader Marine Le Pen defended … Continue reading

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