Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Rabbis Vs Journalists

The Jewish Week reported in its June 10, 2009 issue: The halachic adviser to Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services, which receives millions of dollars in state and federal money, told a Bergenfield, N.J., synagogue audience in 2007 that tax … Continue reading

Posted in Orthodoxy, R. Dovid Cohen, R. Steven Pruzansky, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbis Vs Journalists

Intellectuals Go Nuts Over Rav Soloveitchik

But the ordinary Jew has not been affected by the Rav. Those who get drunk on the Rav’s theories are intellectuals who love theories. Yes, the Rav ordained more rabbis than anybody in history. But the Rav did not make … Continue reading

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Was Bible Scholar Nechama Leibowitz A Feminist?

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The main question discussed is Nehama’s relationship with feminism. On the one hand, she was a female Torah teacher long before they became common, as they now are in some communities. And she was such a … Continue reading

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What Is The Scientific Study Of Judaism?

Academic study of Judaism aka critical study aka scientific study all mean something simple — following the facts wherever they lead. The major Ashkenazi denominations of Judaism (Reform, Conservative and Orthodox) developed in Germany in the 19th Century. A founder … Continue reading

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First Black Female Rabbi Ordained

Bob emails: There goes the neighborhood. Khunrum emails: "There’s one shul that might let Luke attend." Fred emails: "I wonder if they’d make him sit in the back of the shul." Bob emails: "Even they would probably question our hapless … Continue reading

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