Category Archives: Orthodoxy

The Role Of Women In Orthodox Judaism

In his second class on Rabbi Ben Zion Uziel for Torah in Motion, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro says: Rav Kook opposed women voting. He says the role of the woman is not to be in the public sphere. The Mercaz … Continue reading

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Knocking On Heaven’s Door

In his second class for Torah in Motion on Rabbi Ben Zion Uziel, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro says: There was a time 30 years ago when, if you had a question for Reb Moshe Feinstein, the greatest posek of the … Continue reading

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Why Marc B. Shapiro Won’t Be Giving Any Classes On The Rebbe, The Rav, And Aharon Kotler

In his first class on Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg for Torah in Motion, Professor Marc B. Shapiro says: Let me tell you about who we won’t be discussing — the three most important figures in post-war North American Orthodoxy — … Continue reading

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Eating Peanuts On Passover

Rabbi David Zvi Hoffman — the greatest Torah scholar of the past couple of centuries — was with the right-wing Agudah. He was not anti-Zionist but he was not Mizrachi (religious Zionist and on the more moderate end of the … Continue reading

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Season’s Greetings

Just before every major Jewish holiday, you find in Jewish publications such as The Jewish Week and the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles various forms of "Season’s Greetings" aka "Rosh Hashanah Greetings" aka "Chanukkah Greetings" aka "Passover Greetings" from numerous … Continue reading

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