Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Remembering Slain Israeli Gays

Is there any hip ethical movement in Modern Orthdooxy that Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld is not a leader of? JTA reports: WASHINGTON (JTA) — An Orthodox rabbi spoke out against anti-gay rhetoric in the Orthodox community at a Washington vigil mourning … Continue reading

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Racism In Orthodox Judaism

Aliza Hausman, a Dominican convert to Orthodox Judaism, writes for the Jewish Journal: My husband and I started speaking out about racism in the Jewish community when a friend asked us to speak at a synagogue in Washington Heights, in … Continue reading

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Does The Orthodox Union Certify Any Foods That Need Certification?

Have you noticed that everything that the Orthodox Union certifies does not really need a kosher certification? They certify bottled water but bottled water does not need a kosher certification. Sure, it makes the companies more money that sell the … Continue reading

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The Kosher History Of Coca Cola

Nachum Lamm posts: The most important part of the ingredients is "natural flavors," which is undefined. It doesn’t much matter if people knew Coke’s formula: There is one legal importer of coca leaves in the United States. It extracts the … Continue reading

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Halachic Man

R. Ira Bedzow’s recent book: Halakhic Man, Authentic Jew: Modern Expressions of Orthodox Thought from Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits. Shmuel posts on Hirhurim: Halachic Man is not the Rav’s attempt to formulate a systematic all encompasing … Continue reading

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