Category Archives: Orthodoxy

The Seforim Blog And Tradition Magazine Part Ways

You can now find the Seforim blog at its old address. What happened? No explanation was offered in the Tradition announcement. Moshe Friedman posts: "My guess: some higher-up RCA rabbis actually read some of the things posted on the site … Continue reading

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Skeptic Magazine Says Denial Of Evolution Is Characteristic Of Orthodox Education

I dated a girl who graduated from Ramaz. Now 40, bisexual, and never married, she loathed Orthodox Judaism. I asked her why. She said because it was aesthetically ugly, that Orthodox Jews smell bad (particularly on holy days when they … Continue reading

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Yehuda Bukspan – The LA Rabbi Worth Standing For

As I make my way around Jewish life, I notice Orthodox Jews jumping to their feet to honor speakers. I’ve even seen Orthodox Jews rise to their feet to honor a woman! And a TV writer! I’m not into rising … Continue reading

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Chabad Rabbi Urges Us To Accept Others Unconditionally?

Would he apply this to murderers, child abusers, pornographers, drug dealers, who exactly is deserving of this unconditional love? From “I’m here to stand with the community, [in] solidarity,” said Rabbi Gedalia Potash of Chabad of Noe Valley. “We … Continue reading

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* Rabbi Kalman Topp is off to a great start at Beth Jacob. He seems warm, sincere. He gave an excellent sermon. He has big shoes to fill — previous rabbis of Beth Jacob include Steven Weil, Abner Weiss, Maurice … Continue reading

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