Category Archives: Orthodoxy

In 20 Years, The Haredim Will Dominate Pico-Robertson

Los Angeles has little culture of Torah learning (except among the Haredim aka the traditional Orthodox). There are only two first-rate Modern Orthodox Torah scholars in Los Angeles — rabbis Yehuda Bukspan and David Rue. L.A.’s Modern Orthodox shuls don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Abner Weiss, Anshe Emes, Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Modern Orthodox, Nachum Sauer, Orthodox Union, Orthodoxy, R. David Rue, R. Kalman Topp, R. Yehuda Bukspan, YICC | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on In 20 Years, The Haredim Will Dominate Pico-Robertson

A Warning

He walked into the park and found his three friends with their three dogs. "We have to be careful," she said. "The police were just here. They warned us about letting the dogs off the leash." His friends let their … Continue reading

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Is The Elevator Kosher?

The New York Times reports: Tangible things occupy the days of most building managers in New York City. Hot water, floods, bugs, rent checks and so on. But last week, newly added to the tenant issues facing building managers like … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Vs. Child Abuse

The New York Times reports: For decades, prosecutors in Brooklyn routinely pursued child molesters from every major ethnic and religious segment of the borough’s diverse population. Except one. Of some 700 child sexual abuse cases brought in an average year, … Continue reading

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Does Facebook Lead To Defamation?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student blogs: In this week’s The Jewish Press, R. Mordechai Weiss writes [on page 25]: Then came Facebook and Twitter, which took the Internet to a new level of impropriety. Things are written on Facebook that end … Continue reading

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