Category Archives: Orthodoxy

I Hate It When I’m Just A Symbol

I hate it when I’m just a stand-in for somebody you truly hate. A couple of years ago, I had a woman flee my place after her first visit because my beard and my Orthodoxy made her feel like she … Continue reading

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Orthodox Judaism In The Post-Modern World

I often get asked why I don’t always speak and behave in accord with Orthodox Judaism. With Orthodox Jews, I just say, “I’m not there yet.” With the goyim, I never answer by watering down Orthodox Judaism and pretending that … Continue reading

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I’ve Never Dated An Orthodox Girl

I don’t fear so often these days that I’m losing control. Therapy is calming. I can bounce my life off someone sharp and get greater clarity. It also gives me accountability. My therapist names things I’m going through such as … Continue reading

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Advice To Potential Converts To Orthodox Judaism

I find myself talking a lot to people interested in converting to Orthodox Judaism. Here’s some advice: * There are more than five Orthodox Jewish law courts (Batei Din) in Los Angeles that do conversions — including the RCC (the … Continue reading

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I Don’t Have A Problem With Slumlords

So long as they aren’t hurting third parties, I see no reason why they can’t operate as they wish within the law. Slumlords have no power to force people to live in their broken down properties. Poor people don’t have … Continue reading

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