Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Australian Orthodox Rabbis Called Ministers

I’m looking at the website for the Central Synagogue of Sydney, Australia. Rabbis in the mainstream Orthodox synagogues of Great Britain are also called “ministers” and they used to wear robes like Reform rabbis in America. “Minister” is a Protestant … Continue reading

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It’s OK To Go To Lectures By Old Ladies

Marc B. Shapiro writes: “Who says we make no distinctions between a regular woman and what I termed a “very old” woman. R. Aviner told me that in his opinion it is forbidden to attend a lecture given by a … Continue reading

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San Francisco Orthodox Jews Are Unique

How do I count the ways? Even for many identifying Orthodox Jews in the Bay Area, being a leftist is more important than being Jewish. Heshy Fried elaborates: * The Gender Neutral Bencher * Kosher weddings with treife wine * … Continue reading

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Child Sex Abuse Case In Australia Comes To America

Two thoughts: * This story illustrates why the Forward is the premiere Jewish news publication in the diaspora. * Consider the eery parallels to the sexual molestation situation at Beis Midrash Toras HaShem in North Hollywood. Email: The following note … Continue reading

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The Haredi Obsession With Bugs

Jonah Lowenfeld writes in this week’s Jewish Journal: The presence of even one whole bug, dead or alive, can render an entire vegetable treif — unkosher. On this matter, Orthodox rabbis are unequivocal. “From a Torah perspective, eating a Big … Continue reading

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