Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Never Married Orthodox Jew – You’ve Got An Intimacy Disorder

If you’re an Orthodox Jew and you’re not married by age 28, barring some hideous deformity, you are 98% likely to have an intimacy disorder (usually expressed in men through porn addiction and in women through the acquisition of pets).

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As An Orthodox Jew, I Know Who I Am

I naturally have a weak sense of self. The sure sense of self is one of the advantages of joining Orthodox Judaism. Many of life’s questions are settled. I can look at a guy who spends much of the weekend … Continue reading

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Greg Leake – Shabbos Goy

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I’ve been out of action because of rotator cuff surgery. The stitches are out, and I’m doing physical therapy, probably won’t be able to throw a left hook for 6 months. A drag. In your … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jewish Definitions Of Modesty

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. Compared to other Christians, Adventists feel modest. By Muslim and Orthodox Jewish standards, however, they dress like hookers. Modest Adventist women feel little compunction about walking around in pants or shorts or knee-length dresses … Continue reading

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What Would A Haredi Israel Look Like?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro blogs: I can’t speak about the haredi man on the street, but examination of the writings of the haredi leadership – and in the haredi world that is what really matters – shows that time and … Continue reading

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