Category Archives: Orthodoxy

ISIS, Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn, and Kiddush Hashem

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein writes: Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn, the rav and head of school at Yavneh in Los Angeles, helped me figure out what to learn from ISIS, ימח שמם. Yesterday, I dropped by to witness and savor his latest creative … Continue reading

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Freedom In Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein writes: Jonathan Rosenblum and I discovered decades ago that we were kindred spirits. We rarely disagree. We did disagree twice about the recent[1] Klal Perspectives shabbaton in Baltimore, although he won’t find out about the second disagreement … Continue reading

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Yisro, Pablo Escobar, and A Coming Wave of New Converts

Rabbi Yitzhok Adlerstein writes: Colleagues in Dallas (otherwise known as the buckle of the Bible Belt) report a greater number of applicants who left full-blown involvement with other faiths because they came to reject their assumptions and underpinnings. While many … Continue reading

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“Right, Left and the Jews: The Torah Community and the Future of American Politics”

Rabbi Yitzchok Alderstein writes: While the nation struggles to make sense out of an election season more bizarre than any live American has seen, we recognize that this campaign is fraught with dangers that impact our community in particular. The … Continue reading

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Love, Marriage & Orthodox Judaism

Marc B. Shapiro blogs: The Yated “translation” omits anything about R. Shulman and R. Sher’s daughter “falling in love.” This is because there is no such concept in the haredi world (and in traditional Jewish societies, in both the Ashkenazic … Continue reading

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