Category Archives: Orthodoxy

I Oppose All Things Vibrating And Sensual

Nicholas blogs: My Moral Leader, Luke Ford, is against masturbation and all things vibrating and sensual. That’s because he studies Torah. Okay, so sometimes he succumbs to his yetzer hara. But not often. In fact, according to his memoir (not … Continue reading

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The End Of Innocence

Confronting Sexual Abuse in the Orthodox Community By Shlomo Greenwald Jewish Press – Wednesday, February 14, 2007 Vicki Polin writes: I want to start off by thanking Shlomo Greenwald who is the author of the Jewish Press’s newest article –"The … Continue reading

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Purim Drinking aka The Taming of Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, a psychologist and executive director of the Orthodox Union, emails: Dear Friends: We hope this letter finds you eagerly anticipating the wonderful holiday of Purim. Celebrating the miracle of Purim is a most enjoyable time for … Continue reading

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Messianic Chabadnik Ariel Sokolovsky Condemned

From STATEMENT FROM CHABAD-LUBAVITCH OF OREGON: We of Chabad-Lubavitch of Oregon were shocked to read about the beliefs of Ariel Sokolovsky in the Haaretz Newspaper. His beliefs are heretical and anathema to Torah. Ariel Sokolovsky has no position in … Continue reading

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Rabbi Yitzhock Adlerstein Says We Shouldn’t Read Blogs That Traffic In Personal Destruction

Every time I see Rav Adlerstein, I am mortified because 16 years ago I was writing him heartfelt letters about how I wanted to live for God. Now look at me. I snuck into Helkeinu Wednesday night and taped Rabbi … Continue reading

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