Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Hitchens Glaring Error

Mark Oppenheimer writes: On p. 54, Hitchens writes, "Orthodox Jews conduct Congress by means of a hole in the sheet…" This is, as even most idiots know, a total fabrication. As a lie, it’s not as bad as the blood … Continue reading

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Praise God On Your Own Time, Buster!

I sometimes go to an Ashkenaz minyan in the evening where this Sephardi guy always insists on yelling out, "Barchu et Adonai Hamvorak!" at the end of Ma’ariv (and by reflex the rest of us respond, "Baruch Adonai Hamvorak l’olam … Continue reading

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In Praise Of Etz Jacob Philanthropist Aron Abeccasis

Etz Jacob’s rabbi Rubin Hutler sent Aron Abecassis this letter of gratitude on March 25. Perhaps a reader knows the back story to all this better than I do.

Posted in Aron Abeccasis, Education, Etz Jacob, Jewish Journal, Los Angeles, Orthodoxy | Comments Off on In Praise Of Etz Jacob Philanthropist Aron Abeccasis

Yeshiva University Vs. Yeshivat Chovevei Torah

There has been a noted war of words between supporters of Yeshiva University and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah (YCT). There were the harsh remarks of Howard Jonas about YU at the YCT dinner several years ago. On the other side, Rabbi … Continue reading

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Baltimore Roiled by Abuse Charge Against Late Rabbi

Nathan Guttman writes in the Forward: Baltimore – A series of exposés on sexual abuse at a well-known yeshiva is roiling the Baltimore Jewish community and inflaming the already strained relations between the local Jewish newspaper and the city’s sizable … Continue reading

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