Category Archives: Orthodoxy

The Orthodox Connection To The NYT’s Corrupt Arms Suppliers To Afghans Sotry

The Bar-Kochba Botach in this story is a Los Angeles Orthodox Jew. He owns at 3423 West 43rd Place Los Angeles, CA 90008. His brother is Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. Bar-Kochba Botach is not accused of any wrong-doing in this … Continue reading

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A Christlike Approach To Jewish Law

Donny emails: Hi Luke! I am an Orthodox convert. I was never involved with Jesus and Christianity. It’s only after converting that I started appreciating what he had to say to the Jews of his time. Based on what I … Continue reading

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The Big Event Live: Banned

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Last week, there was a ban published in Hamodia that declared an upcoming charity concert by Shloime Gertner and Lipa Schmeltzer to be forbidden (link). Frankly, I have no patience for bans and don’t understand why … Continue reading

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Judaism & Imagination

Rabbi Reuven Spolter writes for Hirhurim: If my experience is any indication, Jewish education does not place a very positive emphasis on developing an imagination. Rebbeim generally associate imagination with sexuality and inappropriate sexual thoughts – which is not all … Continue reading

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Sexual Abuse and The Vaad of Baltimore (Jewish Religious Court)

Vicki Polin from The Awareness Center writes: At the urging of several friends I attended the event last week on child sexual abuse that was organized  by the Vaad of Baltimore (Jewish Religious Court), The Sidran Foundation and the Shofar … Continue reading

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