Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Hot Lesbian Seminary Sex In ‘The Secrets’

Dikla Kadosh writes: The secret is out. There is a steamy sexual scene between two gorgeous Israeli women in the film, “The Secrets.” But the Israeli film, directed by Avi Nesher and spotlighted in this year’s Israel Film Festival, is … Continue reading

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Becoming More Liberal And More Observant

Michael Lewyn writes: In one of your Klinghoffer interviews, one of you (I can’t remember which) suggests that becoming more frum always leads to more political conservatism (or at least doesn’t make one more politically liberal).   This hasn’t been … Continue reading

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‘Praying In Her Own Voice’

It’s a testament to my growing spiritual sensitivity that I’m able to enjoy a movie about such ugly women. People will either love or hate the protagonists of this documentary from Yael Katzir. The hour-long production makes no pretense about … Continue reading

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Time Off From God

This morning the rabbi said there should be no time off from God. He bemoaned how kids in his religious school were unaware of the Torah portions between the middle of Bamidbar (Numbers) and the beginning of Devarim (Deuteronomy) because … Continue reading

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Why Do People Become Orthodox?

Conservative rabbi David Wolpe of Temple Sinai writes: The three principal, positive reasons why I believe people choose to be Orthodox: community, coherence and connection. Community. Orthodoxy creates a powerful caretaking community. Little wonder that so many step into an … Continue reading

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