Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Orthodox In-Fighting

Joe emails: The infighting among Orthodox shuls in L.A. is really an embarrassment. Young Israel of North Beverly Hills is a total train wreck and a textbook example of what happens when ego is mixed with money and control issues. … Continue reading

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LA Orthodoxy Is Weird

From my live cam chat: Josh:  LA orthodoxy exists in a bubble, you guys are so weird. Josh:  In NY, orthodox converts tend to be super-fanatic, whereas you behave like a FFB (frum from birth) Josh:  luke, dude, i’m ffb.  … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbis In California Push For Proposition 8

There’s a two-page ad in the latest issue of the Jewish Journal that reads in part: The constitutional amendment "that marriage is only between one man and one woman." This is crucial for the sake of our families, for our … Continue reading

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Hitting Detroit Street For Halloween

It’s often called "rebbe row" or "the holiest street in Los Angeles" because so many rabbis live there. My friend calls with his Halloween plans: "I’ll go as Hasid on Friday night. Black coat, tallis, false beard.  I’ll carry a … Continue reading

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Where The Hell Is Levi?

I’m working on an interpretative Aboriginal dance. I’m gonna perform it in front of the five shuls that expelled me. I want to take my raw emotions and transform them into art that inspires people to follow the Torah! Blow … Continue reading

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