Category Archives: Economics

The $700 Billion Bailout For Wall Street

Why do we always look to government to solve our problems? Why not prayer?

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The Twlight of the Luftmenschen

ChaimAmalek:  This is the twilight of the Luftmenschen. YourMoralLeader:  what are Luftmenschen? ChaimAmalek:  A yiddishism….someone who seems to live on air ChaimAmalek:  A trader who trades in the trades of others ChaimAmalek:  Or who takes a bunch of mortgages, bundles … Continue reading

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Libertarian Economist On Dennis Prager’s Radio Show

Click here for the July 15, 2008 show. Twenty minutes in. Dennis: "If there’s a stupider group in America than bankers, I would like to meet them. I’ve come to the conclusion that banking is too important to leave in … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Interviews Financial Columnist Robert Samuelson

Click here to listen. It’s 20 minutes in. July 14, 2008. Robert says the government is bailing out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac. "They are providers of mortgage credit. If you are as old as I am, you remember the days … Continue reading

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Are You A Flake?

I’m reading this book "106 Mortgage Secrets" and I’m learning a lot about life. Gary Eldred writes in his new book about loan approval: The credit score is most important… Have you job hopped or job flopped? Have you lived … Continue reading

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