Category Archives: Immigration

Requiring Immigrants To Buy Insurance

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Singapore does just this for the legions of guest workers from the Philippines, Indonesia and so on who work there on employment visas. Employers are required to put up a security bond for $5,000 to … Continue reading

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The Case For Immigration Insurance

Steve Sailer writes: In the United States today, however, there are lots of ways to make money off immigration by privatizing profits and socializing costs, but very few ways to make money pointing out how immigration is hurting the general … Continue reading

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The Trumpening

Comments: * My thoughts on the Frum piece, as they occurred: – tribalism (fissures) within the parties mirror the more lurid colour-coding of America race-wise, under Obama, doesn’t it? – immigration… as now constituted looks a lot like slavery; elites … Continue reading

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Rabbis: Mideast Christians Deserve U.S. Refuge

The rabbis don’t bother to argue that this immigration will be good for America. That argument does not come up in their essay. That does not interest them. What does interest them? “Success in dealing with the first wave of … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Immigration, R. Abraham Cooper, R. Yitzhock Adlerstein | Comments Off on Rabbis: Mideast Christians Deserve U.S. Refuge

America and the Nexus between Free Speech, Minorities and Refugees

Rabbis Abraham Cooper and Yitzhock Adlerstein write: US Attorney General Loretta Lynch infuriated many Americans when she told a Muslim gathering that the Justice Department would “take action” against individuals who “lift the mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric.” Lynch, the highest … Continue reading

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